Lux Landscaping provides excellent services all related to landscaping in Calgary and Cochrane with services ranging from weed control to snow removal and plowing. Scroll down to view a complete list of our landscaping in Calgary services.
Lux Landscaping provides excellent services all related to landscaping in Calgary and Cochrane with services ranging from weed control to snow removal and plowing. Scroll down to view a complete list of our landscaping in Calgary services.
Lux Landscaping provides Calgary and Cochrane with a wide range of year round lawn care services for commercial and residential properties including weed control and snow plowing and all things landscaping in Calgary.
We pride ourselves on providing superior service and holding ourselves to the highest of standards.
The mission of Lux Landscaping Ltd. is to provide exceptional year-round property maintenance at an affordable price all year round.
We offer lawn care services to the following properties within Calgary and Cochrane:
Commercial complexes
Residential properties
We will provide professional service in a timely manner and give a 100% attitude to continuously exceed the expectation of our customers for all Landscaping in Calgary related projects.
We offer year round lawn services including:
Fall Lawn Clean Up
Spring Lawn Clean Up
Commercial Flower Bed Maintenance
Grass cutting and trimming maintenance
Hedge and Tree Pruning and Trimming
Snow Removal
Parking Lot Plowing
Sanding and Salting
For a complete list of services, please visit our services page.
aeration, cut, trim, leaf clean-up fertilizer
once a week, per property
aeration/power-rake, cut, trim, fertilizer
weeding, bed upkeep, tree wells,
bedding plant planting
Edging of walks and beds
Trash Removal
Final blow of property
Liquid fertilizer is quickly absorbed
Works quickly after application
Mixed with water to reduce worry about lawn burn
Micro-nutrients reduce plant stress,improve plant growth and help your lawn reach its full potential.
Recommend application is every 3-4 weeks.
Enhances soil microbial activity, which influences the production of available nutrients
Increases the nutrient uptake in plants
Enhances the development of new seedlings and speeds up establishment
Slow-release granules help feed lawn longer into the season
Fewer applications are needed
Ask us about our weed control treatments
• Unlimited removals per month
• Ice control measures included in price
• Site visits in between snowfalls for ice
• Photos provided for liability purposes
Detached Garage House - approx.$200
2 Car Driveway
Detached Garage House - approx. $225
2 Car Driveway
Corner Lot
No Driveway - approx. $150
Straight City Sidewalk
No Driveway - approx. $200
Corner Lot City Sidewalk
Attached Garage House- approx.$200
2 Car Driveway
Attached Garage House - approx.$225
2 Car Driveway
Corner Lot
• Acreage driveway plowing with clearing triggers
that suit you
• Parking lot clearing with triggers that suit you
• Salting and de-icing
• One-tonne trucks with snowplows
• Bobcats